Development Program Archivi - TOP-IX Torino Piemonte Internet Exchange Mon, 04 Sep 2023 13:38:32 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Development Program Archivi - TOP-IX 32 32 Breaking Gender Barriers in the World of Technology: discover Future Start-up Founders Mon, 28 Aug 2023 09:05:03 +0000 In 2023, women still represent a small percentage of corporate technical roles and technology start-up founders. The Femme Forward initiative aims to break down this gender gap. In the following few lines, we will explain the Future Start-up Founders training course: a unique opportunity for women aspiring to be part of the tech entrepreneurial world.   Tackling the gender gap […]

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In 2023, women still represent a small percentage of corporate technical roles and technology start-up founders. The Femme Forward initiative aims to break down this gender gap. In the following few lines, we will explain the Future Start-up Founders training course: a unique opportunity for women aspiring to be part of the tech entrepreneurial world.


Tackling the gender gap in the technology sector

Astonishingly, only 8% of European companies’ technical roles in cloud computing are held by women [Src. McKinsey]. Furthermore, the number of women founders of tech start-ups in Europe remains shockingly low, below 15% [Src. Startup Genome]. This situation highlights the urgency of breaking gender barriers within the technology sector.


The Femme Forward opportunity

Femme Forward’s Future Start-up Founders course offers women the opportunity to receive free training in technology entrepreneurship: a 60-hour programme over 8 weeks with content delivered online in live and asynchronous mode.


What you will learn

You will have the opportunity to effectively conceive and present your business idea, from the field validation of assumptions to elaborating a solid business model, from refining product development strategies to marketing tactics and the necessary technical fundamentals. 


A comprehensive training experience

The training will not be limited to theoretical lectures. Through interactive workshops, live and asynchronous lectures, tutorials, customised mentoring sessions and participation in talks and networking events, you will acquire both technical and soft skills. This holistic approach will comprehensively prepare you for the challenges of the entrepreneurial world.


Femme Forward is supported by the EU

The Future Start-up Founders course takes place within Femme Forward, an EU-funded project under the Erasmus+ programme and has a consortium of 15 partners, including TOP-IX, from industry, technology and education in 8 European states. 


How to participate?

The training will start on 6 November and will welcome 30 participants. No specific entry skills or prerequisites are required other than curiosity, dedication and the ambition to build one’s future as a technology worker and entrepreneur. If you are interested in this transformative opportunity, you can get more information and apply for selection by filling out this simple form where you can leave your details to be contacted by our team. Training will be delivered mainly in Italian.

Fill the form


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Thanks to TOP-IX and ENGIM Foundation, the AWS re/Start training program is launched today in Italy Mon, 26 Apr 2021 07:30:43 +0000 Thanks to the collaboration between the TOP-IX Consortium and the ENGIM Foundation, the AWS re/Start cloud computing training program is launched today in Italy. AWS re/Starts a full-time, skills development program that prepares individuals for an entry-level professional position in the cloud. Through real-world, scenario-based learning, hands-on labs, and course work, learners gain the technical skills they need for junior […]

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Thanks to the collaboration between the TOP-IX Consortium and the ENGIM Foundation, the AWS re/Start cloud computing training program is launched today in Italy.

AWS re/Starts a full-time, skills development program that prepares individuals for an entry-level professional position in the cloud. Through real-world, scenario-based learning, hands-on labs, and course work, learners gain the technical skills they need for junior cloud roles. The program’s mission is to build a diverse pipeline of entry-level cloud talent.

TOP-IX and the ENGIM Foundation, already partners in numerous training initiatives from software development to Big Data, will take care of the local organization, coordination, teaching and will support students, after the course, by putting them in contact with companies and potential employers.

The kick-off of the first Italian AWS re/Start edition is scheduled for May 24, 2021. The program will be full-time and, according to the health provisions in force, it can take place online, “blended” or face-to-face at the ENGIM Artigianelli headquarters in Turin.

Candidates can fill out the pre-registration form here:

The deadline for applications is May 14, 2021.

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TOP-IX between BIG DIVE and the Big Data Value Association Thu, 22 Oct 2020 08:43:59 +0000 BIG DIVE is in the middle of its journey. The intensive training program about Data Science, Machine and Deep Learning, Data Visualization and Data Engineering is preparing to face the last two modules of the 2020 edition. Meanwhile, TOP-IX applied to become part of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA). BIG DIVE main novelty has been the splitting of the […]

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BIG DIVE is in the middle of its journey. The intensive training program about Data Science, Machine and Deep Learning, Data Visualization and Data Engineering is preparing to face the last two modules of the 2020 edition. Meanwhile, TOP-IX applied to become part of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA).

BIG DIVE main novelty has been the splitting of the course into four training modules, which replace the four consecutive full time weeks, that was the common feature in the previous eight editions. The new format has been appreciated by Divers. It allowed them to approach “step by step” the different topics of the constantly increasing Big Data theme, and to enter the program with different background and knowledge levels.

The BIG DIVE traveling companions were the same from beginning and as usual they contributed to the organization of the course. In addition to the TOP-IX consortium, Axant, the ISI Foundation and TODO are part of the team. We also confirmed the presence (someone in presence and others remotely) of guest lecturers, who brought their proven on-field experience to enrich the path of Divers.

Module 1 (“From Zero to Data Science with Python”), held on September, was taught by the TOP-IX team and covered the Python programming and Data Science, from the initial data explorations to the creation of data-driven projects. We hosted two lectures: “Geopandas and Geospatial data” by Maurizio Napolitano from the Bruno Kessler Foundation, “TimeSeries and KNIME”, curated by Daniele Tonini, partner in Target Research.

Module 2, organized in mid-October, was an intensive five- days deep on Machine and Deep Learning with a focus on computer vision. ISI Foundation researchers (Alan Perotti and Adnrè Panisson) were the resident teachers and we had three external lectures.
Alberto Danese, Head of Data Science at Nexi and Kaggle Grandmaster, spoke about the interpretability of Machine Learning models and shared his experience on the Kaggle platform, an online community of data scientists and Machine learning professionals based on challenges and awards promoted by international companies and organizations.
Marco Aldinucci and Iacopo Colonnelli, from the Computer Science Department at Università degli Studi di Torino, explored the connections between Machine Learning, Deep Learning and High Performance Computing and Cloud, based on the experience gained with academic research and with the HPC4AI project. Finally, Matteo Giaretti, senior data scientist at Glovo and ex-diver, after talking about machine learning processes in Glovo, offered a detailed excursus on the forecasting capabilities of yesterday, today and tomorrow, with specific reference to the world of Time Series (series historical data).

A total of 15 Divers took part in the first two modules, which rise to 22 considering who have enrolled in the third and fourth modules (the registrations are still open). Someone chose to participate in a single module, some others have picked modules according to their needs and someone decided to follow all the four modules.
The average age of the Divers is 33, the citizenship is predominantly Italian, except for a Cameroonian participant living here in Turin: on this side the health emergency had a strong impact by limiting international participation. In the first two modules, the divers followed the lessons mostly in presence, with the exception of one participant in Module 2.
Based on Covid-19 security rules and the evolution of the infections, we will decide whether the third and fourth modules will take place in the classroom or through video conference. In both cases, the training system is solid as well as the available teaching tools.

Module 3 will be held starting from November 16th and will focus on the theme “Communicating and Visualizing Data”. The resident teacher will be Fabio Franchino from TODO; guest lecture has been already confirmed: Matteo Moretti, co-founder at Sheldon Studio. BIG DIVE 2020 will close with Module 4, “Deep Dive into Data Engineering”, scheduled from November 30th to December 4th.

For modules three and four, registrations are still open (here the form).

To strengthen its role in the Big Data, Data Science and Data Engineering sector, the TOP-IX Consortium has recently applied to become part of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), formed by a balanced mix of industries of large, small and medium-sized, which represents the private counterpart of the European Commission for the implementation of the Big Data Value PPP program.
In this way, TOP-IX places itself in a key role in the Turin scenario, where the Italian Institute for Artificial Intelligence (I3A) will be located.

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TOP-IX in Bruxelles: Trusted policy-making in the digital era Wed, 02 Oct 2019 09:03:35 +0000 During EURegionsWeek, TOP-IX will be in Brussels to propose the side event “Trusted policy-making in the digital era. Smarter citizens engagement and decision process“. A data-driven approach gives the opportunity to design effective strategies and base policy decisions on sound evidence. It is important to explore #impacts and #opportunities at the intersection of #technologies and data-driven approaches with policy and […]

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During EURegionsWeek, TOP-IX will be in Brussels to propose the side event “Trusted policy-making in the digital era. Smarter citizens engagement and decision process“.

A data-driven approach gives the opportunity to design effective strategies and base policy decisions on sound evidence. It is important to explore #impacts and #opportunities at the intersection of #technologies and data-driven approaches with policy and decision-making processes.

The seminar focuses on this point, presenting and discussing the #benefits for decision-makers in using smart data platforms and interconnected #services, such as spatial planning or #social network modeling. It is also an opportunity to discover #innovative EU-funded projects’ solutions and other best #practices.

The event will take place in the spaces of the Piedmont Region Delegation to the EU in Brussels, on Tuesday 8 October, from 10.30am to 1pm. Seminar agenda:

10:30 – 10:50 Introduction
Matteo Marnati – Regional Minister of Environment, Innovation and Research and Digital Agenda at Regione Piemonte.
Davide Calonico – President at TOP-IX.

Andrea Boccuni – Head of International Partnership and Education at The Good Lobby – “Instruments for democratic participation: Best practices in modern policy-making.”


Guido Boella – Coordinator of CO3project (Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage) – “CO3, Digital Disruptive Technologies to Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage Open Public Services along with Citizens.”
Lieven Raes – Coordinator of PoliVisu (Policy Development based on Advanced Geospatial Data Analytics and Visualisation) – “Policy Visualisation – Helping cities to become more sustainable with open and big data.”

Sylvie Occelli – Head of Research Unit at IRES Piemonte – “A tool for designing integrated policy actions: can we reason together?”
Sarah Wolf – Researcher at Global Climate Forum – “Decision Theatre – a process for communication, research, and decision support.”

Andrea Conte – Team Leader European Commission Joint Research Centre – “Big Data & Modelling. Rhomolo Model and the EU Impact Assessments.”

Info and registration on Eventbrite.

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OpenMaker selects 20 brokers of Industry 4.0 Tue, 12 Dec 2017 18:04:31 +0000 OpenMaker, the project funded by the European Community that boasts TOP-IX among the official partners, selected the winners of the call for proposal closed last October 2017. Starting from the 137 received applications, 20 projects have now been selected to receive a contribution of € 20,000 each. The contribution is aimed at helping the teams in kicking off their ideas, reinventing traditional manufacturing […]

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OpenMaker, the project funded by the European Community that boasts TOP-IX among the official partners, selected the winners of the call for proposal closed last October 2017.

Starting from the 137 received applications, 20 projects have now been selected to receive a contribution of € 20,000 each. The contribution is aimed at helping the teams in kicking off their ideas, reinventing traditional manufacturing production and projecting us into a sustainable future.

An additional special prize was also assigned by the coordinators, that completes the panel of winners.

Here the official announcement.

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OpenMaker call for makers and traditional craftsmen Tue, 19 Sep 2017 08:50:02 +0000 From September 18th to October 18th Makers-Manufacturers teams are invited to submit proposals for prototype innovations (products, production processes, supply or value chains, distribution or ownership) with a social impact on their surrounding communities. The call concerns the 4 accelerating countries of the European OpenMaker project, including Italy. At the end, 20 winning projects will be selected (5 in Italy), […]

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From September 18th to October 18th Makers-Manufacturers teams are invited to submit proposals for prototype innovations (products, production processes, supply or value chains, distribution or ownership) with a social impact on their surrounding communities.
The call concerns the 4 accelerating countries of the European OpenMaker project, including Italy. At the end, 20 winning projects will be selected (5 in Italy), each of them will receive a prize of 20,000 euros.

Call to action Bando OpenMaker-banner standard

Selected team will have 9 months to realize their own prototype. During this period they will be able to take advantage of the support oand mentoring offered by the organizers (including meeting and events). With this accompanying, incentive and rewarding path, OpenMaker wants to promote the collaboration between making and digital technology experts with traditional craftsmen. OpenMaker thinks that this open experimentation mode is the key to innovating and strengthening the Italian and European manufacturing sector.
For this reason, the score allocation system will take into account the composition of the team as well as the social and economic impact of the proposal.
To find out all the evaluation criteria and how to participate, read the Terms of Reference.


The team lead by prof. Ali Taylan Cemgil of Bogazici Universitesi, in the frame of the OpenMaker project, will perform a research project training and testing statistical machine learning algorithms that allow easy filtering of social media contents using posts of Facebook, Twitter and others. Read the privacy policy.

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Startup Weekend: in Turin we fit with the retail theme Thu, 28 Jan 2016 13:32:58 +0000 Developers, designers and business, marketing and communication experts are invited to participate in the sixth Turin Startup Weekend which will take place from March 4th to March 6th  2016. The event, hosted in I3P – Innovative Companies Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, located in via Pier Carlo Boggio 59 – will be dedicated to the retail topic. The three […]

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Developers, designers and business, marketing and communication experts are invited to participate in the sixth Turin Startup Weekend which will take place from March 4th to March 6th  2016.

The event, hosted in I3P – Innovative Companies Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, located in via Pier Carlo Boggio 59 – will be dedicated to the retail topic. The three days will be totally dedicated to develop business ideas and to win the prize for the best innovative project. In addition there will be a special prize for ideas aimed at innovating the food retail market.
Cean will be the main sponsor of the event and will provide participants with its expertise in the sector. TOP-IX Consortium confirms its support to the Turin Startup Weekend, as Silver Sponsor.
The program. The event beginning is scheduled for 5:30pm on Friday, March 4th: everyone has an idea might present it in a 1 minute pitch, the most voted ideas will be developed during the weekend. Finally, Sunday afternoon, the participating teams will present their projects in 5 minutes. The jury will evaluate the projects and will decide the three winners. Here you can find the complete program and all the informations about the event.

Until February 4th, you can apply on Eventbrite taking advantage of the early bird tickets.

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Call for entries Working Capital 2013 Tue, 21 May 2013 15:36:06 +0000 Dal 2009 Working Capital aiuta le idee e il talento a trasformarsi in impresa supportando in modo diretto la nascita e lo sviluppo delle startup. Quest’anno WCAP mette a disposizione di chi ha un progetto o un’idea imprenditoriale innovativi: – 30 grant d’impresa del valore di 25.000€ ciascuno – 3 spazi di accelerazione in tre città strategiche per la digital […]

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Dal 2009 Working Capital aiuta le idee e il talento a trasformarsi in impresa supportando in modo diretto la nascita e lo sviluppo delle startup.
Quest’anno WCAP mette a disposizione di chi ha un progetto o un’idea imprenditoriale innovativi:
– 30 grant d’impresa del valore di 25.000€ ciascuno
– 3 spazi di accelerazione in tre città strategiche per la digital innovation in Italia: Milano, Roma, Catania.
I grant sono destinati a progetti in ambito internet, digital life, mobile evolution e green, che hanno bisogno dei primi capitali o di completare il percorso di sviluppo per il lancio sul mercato.
I progetti che saranno selezionati per i percorsi di accelerazione, oltre a ricevere il grant d’impresa, avranno l’opportunità di seguire un programma di 3 mesi insieme a dei mentor che li supporteranno per lo sviluppo del progetto. Il programma di accelerazione sarà dedicato ad affinare l’idea ed il modello di business, accompagnando le startup nella delicata fase dell’execution. Gli spazi saranno dei punti di ascolto sul territorio per la community interessata ai temi dell’innovazione, saranno aperti tutto l’anno ed ospiteranno eventi di networking e di formazione in collaborazione con Università, incubatori e partner locali.

Per accedere anche alla selezione per i percorsi di accelerazione la scadenza entro la quale inviare il progetto è il 30 maggio. In alternativa si può comunque partecipare alla call per i grant entro il 30 settembre.
Altra novità di quest’anno è il Repository Working Capital, una piattaforma creata in collaborazione con Kauffman Society, all’interno della quale sono disponibili e consultabili da parte di investitori nazionali ed internazionali sia i 4.000 progetti candidati nelle precedenti edizioni, sia quelli dell’edizione 2013.
Il processo di caricamento dei progetti, quest’anno, avverrà infatti utilizzando il Repository. Anche i progetti appartenenti alle precedenti edizioni possono partecipare alla call dei grant d’impresa e al programma di accelerazione mediante la compilazione di alcuni campi del repository senza ripetere, qualora il progetto non abbia subito modifiche, il processo di upload.

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