TOP-IX (TOrino Piemonte Internet eXchange) is a non-profit consortium set up in 2002 with the aim of creating and managing an Internet Exchange (IX) for the exchange of Internet traffic in North West Italy.
Starting from a strong rooting in the Piedmont area, TOP-IX acts in that global space without borders that is Internet. In addition to building and managing the network infrastructure to provide the typical services of an Internet Exchange, it promotes and supports, through the Development Program (DP), projects of technological and / or business innovation based on the use of broadband Internet.
This two actions act synergistically to promote the growth of the territory.

Board of Directors
Membership Procedure
To become a Consortium member, a written application request should be sent to the Board of Directors declaring that the applicant possesses the requirements to be admitted and that the applicant knows and accepts, without any reserve, the By-Laws and company regulations.
The Board of Directors approves membership only having first evaluated the interests of the Consortium and the existence of the applicant’s required prerequisites.
The Consortium is open to all Internet operators and Internet-based companies in Italy and abroad, and in particular to those operators that supply or promote new technologies for the diffusion of Internet services.
The Board of Directors resolves application requests. The number of Consortium members is unlimited.
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